The Church of the Redeemer, Presbyterian (U.S.A.) organized in 1958, is a member of the National Capital Presbytery, and is a constituent unit of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).  Its basic governing structure and operating procedures are those prescribed by the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – Part I, Book of Confessions, and Part II of the Book of Order.

The Church of the Redeemer, Presbyterian (U.S.A) building and facilities are located at 1423 Girard Street, N. E., Washington, D.C. 20017.   Its mission statement, as formally approved by the Congregation in 1990, is:

"Following God's commandments, The Church of the Redeemer, Presbyterian (U.S.A.) exists to reconcile all people to God, to proclaim the redeeming love of God through Jesus Christ, to spread the prophetic Word, to witness God's relevance in the world today, to minister to the community, and to nurture God's people."

NOTE: Wherever the masculine or feminine gender is used in this Manual and Bylaws, it shall be deemed to be inclusive of the other gender as well.



The governing body of the Church of the Redeemer, Presbyterian (U.S.A.) (hereinafter referred to as the Church of the Redeemer or simply the church) is the Session.  The composition of the Session shall be six (6) Ruling Elders elected from among the active members of the church, together with the Pastor. The Pastor shall be the Moderator of the Session.  All members of the Session are entitled to vote [G-3.02].

Ruling Elders are elected in classes of two each, annually, for a term of three (3) years. Ruling Elders shall not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive three-year terms [G-2.0404].  The stated meeting shall be scheduled on the second Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise voted by the Session. A quorum of the session shall be four (4) of the six (6) elected members, plus the moderator [G-3.0203].  The Session may also elect to hold a stated meeting or a called meeting by electronic or telephonic media when deemed necessary.


The Session has overall responsibility for the leadership, guidance and government of the Church of the Redeemer [G-3.0102].  Its responsibilities include ensuring that funds necessary to support the work of the Church are raised and properly managed to maintain the physical facilities  essential to worship; it includes guiding the congregation in its programs and missions that lead the church to be a community of faith, hope, love and witness; provides for the care, Christian nurture and education of the congregation and maintains regular and continuing relationship with the higher councils of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).


Each year the Session shall elect a Treasurer [G-3.0205] to maintain the fiscal records and accounts of the church.  The Treasurer shall work under the guidance and supervision of the Fiscal Affairs Committee. The Treasurer shall disburse all funds of the church as provided in the budget as are available and according to the authority delegated by the Session [G-.0205].  A full financial review of all financial books and records shall be conducted annually by a public accountant or a committee of members versed in accounting procedures. Reviewers should not be related to the treasurer [G-3.0113].


Every organization and group in the church is subject to the authority of the Session. The Session must approve policies and procedures governing the activities of organizations and groups of the Church of the Redeemer. However, the Session must allow organizations and groups’ discretion in undertaking programmatic and fund-raising initiatives that are consistent with the church’s overall mission and policy.  


Policies and procedures consistent with the Book of Order shall be established by the Session to address each of the following issues:

  1. employee performance reviews;

  2. employee compensation  and benefits;

  3. terms and conditions for the use of church property for members and their families and for non-members;

  4. scheduling the time of Sunday worship and setting  criteria and procedure for postponing or canceling worship services due to inclement weather or other emergent circumstances;

  5. the process for admitting persons to and removing persons from membership in the Church of the Redeemer [G-1.04 & G-3.0204 (a)];

  6. establishing the time and place for the annual meeting of the congregation [G-1.0501] and the annual corporation meeting; determining when and under what circumstances it is appropriate to call special meetings of the congregation [G-1.0502];

  7. setting an annual church calendar, which identifies the dates and times for observances during the year;

  8. identifying appropriate charitable expenditures of church funds including expenditures on behalf of an individual member who is experiencing a personal financial emergency;

  9. reviewing and approving awards and recognitions of members and friends of Redeemer who have made significant contributions to the mission of the church.


The Session shall maintain membership rolls and registers as defined by the Book of Order [see Section  5 (E) above. The Session shall annually review the membership rolls for the purpose of ascertaining the status of each member.  Active membership includes:

  1. participation in work and worship;

  2. regular attendance at church services;

  3. regular involvement with Sessional committees or church organizations (e.g., Choirs, PMOR, PWOR, Sunday Schools):

  4. contributing money, time and ability to support the work of the church;

  5. remaining under the pastoral care of the church.




The Pastor is the Teaching Elder and is a member of the Presbytery, rather than the church to which he/she has been called to serve. The Pastor is the moderator of the Session and all congregational meetings of the Church of the Redeemer. The Pastor’s role is critical in helping the church to fulfill its mission. The Pastor is subject to the discipline of the National Capital Presbytery.


The Pastor has responsibility for:

  1. studying, teaching, and preaching the Word;

  2. administering Baptism, The Lord's Supper, and other sacraments of the church;

  3. praying with and for the congregation;

  4. providing pastoral care and counseling; giving special attention to the poor, the sick, the troubled and the dying;

  5. participating in governing responsibilities by serving in other church governing bodies above the Session;

  6. providing leadership and inspiration to the congregation to fulfill the church's mission in the world;

  7. advising the Board of Deacons [G-6.0403a];

  8. supervising the work of the Administrative Assistant; providing performance appraisals; and recommending disciplinary and/or personnel actions to the Personnel Committee. In the absence of a pastor the Personnel Committee Chair shall supervise the work of the Administrative Assistant.


The Pastor, as Moderator, works with the committees of the Session and church organizations to ensure that goals and plans are appropriate to the church's mission. The church’s pastor is an ex-officio member of all committees. On occasion the Personnel Committee may meet without the pastor; however, the pastor should be informed of the committee’s plan to meet and of its agenda.  



Each year, at the January stated meeting, the Session shall elect a Ruling Elder to serve as Clerk of Session [G-3.0104].  Any active member of the congregation who has been ordained as a Ruling Elder may hold the office of clerk of session.


The Clerk of the Session is responsible for maintaining the official minutes and records of the Church as prescribed in the Book of Order [G-3.0204]. The clerk serves as Secretary of all meetings of the Session and of the congregation.


The agenda for Session and Congregation meetings shall be developed in advance by the clerk in conjunction with the Moderator.  The Clerk shall draft minutes of each stated and called meeting of the Session and of the congregation. A copy of the draft minutes, together with the agenda for the next meeting, shall be distributed to members of Session in advance of the next meeting for review. Once approved by Session, the minutes shall become a permanent part of the Minutes of Session Record Book, subject to annual review by the Presbytery.


The Clerk of Session shall be responsible for giving timely notice of called meetings of the Session and of the congregation, as provided in the Book of Order.  Notice of called congregational meetings may be provided in the Sunday Church Bulletin, Minute for Mission, Redeemer Voice Newsletter, electronic communications and announcements from the pulpit.


The Clerk shall be responsible for maintaining the membership rolls in the Church Register subject to annual review by Presbytery. Membership categories, as defined in the Book of Order are: (a) Baptized Members, (children and adults); (b) Active Members; and (c) Affiliate Members



The Office of Deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness and service after the example of Jesus Christ.  Persons of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, warm sympathies and sound judgment should be chosen for this office [G-2.0201]


It is the duty of deacons, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless and to any who may be in distress. They shall assume such other duties as may be delegated to them from time to time by the Session [G-2.0202].


At the Church of the Redeemer, the Board of Deacons is comprised of six (6) persons in classes of two (2) each.  A class of two Deacons shall be elected by the congregation annually to serve a term of three (3) years. No person shall be eligible to be elected to the office of Deacon for more than two consecutive terms.  The Board of Deacons shall set a schedule of regular meetings approved by the Session. The minutes of the meetings shall be provided to the Session.


The Board of Deacons shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. visiting sick and shut-in members;

  2. ministering to members in need of food, clothing or shelter or otherwise in distress;

  3. taking custody of all money collected during worship services; and delivering it to the Fiscal Affairs;

  4. serving as ushers during worship services;

  5. meeting with Session on matters of common interest at least annually;

  6. fulfilling ministerial support at funeral and other activities;

  7. managing the Church of the Redeemer Relief Fund and reporting balances and distributions to the Session.



The Session shall establish Standing Committees to carry out its duties and responsibilities. It shall elect a Chair to direct the business of each Standing Committee. Chairs shall be elected for a term of one year.  Committee shall regularly make written reports to the Session of its activities and make recommendations for actions to be taken by the Session. Committee recommendations should be in writing and distributed to Session members preceding the stated meeting.


Standing Committees of The Church of the Redeemer shall include the following: (1) Communications, (2) Education, (3) Missions, (4) Facilities, (5) Fiscal Affairs, (6) Personnel, (7) Nominations,  (8) Worship and (9) Member Services. Active ruling elders must chair Nomination, Personnel, Fiscal Affairs and Worship.


Each standing committee shall establish a schedule of regular meetings. Members of the congregation are encouraged to bring their relevant concerns to the attention of the Chair of such committees.


Each standing committee chair shall prepare annually, in consultation with its committee members, a report of its past year's activities, accomplishments, income and expenditures.  The report should include specific goals and objectives and particular plans for the achievement of such goals for the coming calendar year. Not later than the November stated Session meeting, each committee's report shall be submitted in writing for formal approval by the Session.  The Session shall be responsible for monitoring progress and compliance with standing committee goals, objectives and plans.


Each standing committee shall prepare and submit a budget request to Fiscal Affairs by November 1st of each year.


The Session may remove any standing committee chair by a simple majority vote if it determines that a change of leadership of the committee is necessary and in the best interest of the work of the committee.


Standing committee chairs shall work diligently to recruit and retain committee members from the congregation.



The Communications Committee shall work to inform the immediate and wider communities about the mission of the Church.  It may utilize such media forms as the church bulletin and newsletter, as well as public announcements in newspapers, radio, and television.  It may also use banners, bulletin boards and a church web page.


The Education Committee coordinates the church's education programs in the following areas:

  1. adult and youth education (i.e.- officer training, new members classes, vacation  bible school);

  2. training officers in consultation with the pastor;

  3. conducting new member classes in consultation with the pastor;

  4. conducting confirmation classes in consultation with the pastor;

  5. conducting youth development classes in consultation with the pastor;

  6. conducting graduates and achievers celebration.


The Missions committee reaches out to the surrounding communities to carry out Redeemer's mission to those not in fellowship with a church community in keeping with the following Biblical references, Matthew 28:19 and 20; Luke 4:18; and Acts 1:8.

The Committee works to enhance the ministry of the Church of the Redeemer locally and abroad.  Key functions of this Committee include support of evangelism, local charities, funeral services and broader church mission efforts.  


The Facilities Committee is responsible for the security, habitability and maintenance of church property.  Lawn and janitorial service contractors shall be overseen by this Committee. The Chair in conjunction with the pastor shall supervise the work of the Sexton/Custodian, and provide performance appraisals and/personnel action recommendations to the Personnel Committee.


The Fiscal Affairs Committee shall:

  1. Keep a record of the financial contributions of each individual member and shall provide each member a quarterly statement of his financial contributions to the church.

  2. Conduct an annual campaign to obtain a financial pledge from each member. The Committee shall communicate periodically with each member with regard to the member's obligation to contribute money to carry out the work of the church.  The Committee shall develop means for communicating to the congregation the need for sacrificial and joyful giving by members. The Committee is encouraged to avail itself of the resources of the Presbytery on matters of this kind.

  3. Prepare the annual Church budget; develop plans for financing church operations; exercise oversight and approval authority of all expenditures of church funds; supervising the work of the Treasurer and provide the Session a monthly financial report of the church; track expenditures monthly to maintain consistency with budget and church income; provide a weekly summary, by source, of contributions to the church;

  4. Supervise the work of the counting team.

  5. Insure that each constituent organization of the church that raises money and is authorized by the Session to, and does in fact, maintain a separate bank account for the organization's funds, (e.g., PMOR, PWOR, etc.) provides to the Fiscal Affairs Committee a copy of its monthly bank statements of such accounts.  Each organization shall submit an annual written financial report in a form prescribed by the Fiscal Affairs Committee, which fully accounts for such special funds. [The purpose for requiring these financial reports of church organizations is to enable the Committee: to present to the Session and the congregation annually a comprehensive picture of the church's financial condition.]  All funds are subject to the governing body of the church.

  6. The Committee shall consult with each church organization no later than October during which each church organization may present realistic estimates of the funds it will need in the coming year to carry out its planned activities.  The Session shall take final action on the proposed budget in December.

  7. Signatory Authority – All checks authorized by the Session and the Treasurer shall be signed by any two (2) of the following three (3) persons, The Clerk of Session, The Chair of the Fiscal Affairs Committee, and the Treasurer.


The Member Services Committee shall maintain a current register of Baptized, Active, and Affiliate Members and Friends through the use of Shepherding Teams, consisting of Elders and Deacons, provides care and concern for members; serving as a means for communicating urgent information to members via electronics, mail, personal visits and/or telephone.  Each member has an assigned Shepherding Team, consisting of one Elder and one Deacon. This committee reviews the roll of members at least annually and recommends to the Session that counseling be provided to those who have neglected their membership responsibilities. Based upon justifiable information, the committee shall recommend to the Session the names of members whose status should be changed.  In the absence of a pastor, the Member Services Committee shall be responsible for organizing teams to visit the sick, hospitalized and shut-ins for delivering communion and prayer.


Nominating Committee see Article IX


The Personnel Committee has the following duties:

  1. Develop and maintain position descriptions for each paid employee of the Church.

  2. Assigned committees shall evaluate annually the performance of each paid staff member based on identified performance standards.  In the absence of a pastor, the Committee will provide supervision for the administrative assistant. The Committee shall report to the Session whenever it finds that an employee's performance is unsatisfactory, along with its recommendation for action.  In evaluating performance the Committee is obligated to seek and give great weight to the input of the person or church officer who actually supervises the employee's work.

  3. The Committee shall review at least annually the salary of each employee and staff person and make its recommendations for salary adjustments to the Session.

  4. The Committee shall review at least annually the compensation of the pastor, and make recommendations for any adjustments to the Session.

  5. No supervisor or church officer shall have authority to make adjustments in compensation without the prior approval of the Session.


The Worship Committee shall have the following duties:

  1. Work closely with the Pastor and the Minister of Music to ensure that worship services are relevant, inspiring and that they fulfill the spiritual needs of the congregation;

  2. See that hymnals and other worship aids are available in sufficient quantities to serve the needs of worshipers. The Worship Committee shall also attend to the needs for other special ceremonies such as baptisms, ordinations, installations and dedications.

  3. Arrange for pulpit supply when there is a vacancy or when requested to do so by the Pastor, schedule and prepare the participation of Elders, Deacons and lay members in the Sunday morning worship service.

  4. Assist the minister in planning Lenten services; obtaining supplies for Palm Sunday services and planning for Advent and other observances.

  5. In the absence of a pastor, prepare the Sunday bulletin for the Order of Worship.  The Committee shall use Presbyterian U.S.A. approved worship guidance.

  6. The Committee shall work with members of the worship staff and provide performance appraisals to the Personnel Committee.



Fannie Robinson Black Writers Discussion Group is an outreach organization designed to lift up Black writers and literature.  It operates under the Education Committee.


Girl Scouts operate under a charter with National Girl Scouts Headquarters and has been granted gratuitous use of facilities by Session under oversight of Education Committee.


Presbyterian Men of Redeemer (PMOR) is the organization to which every male member belongs by virtue of his membership in The Church of the Redeemer.  It exists to facilitate the participation of men in every aspect of the life and work of the church. PMOR works with the Pastor and Session and performs services to enhance the spiritual life of the church, does projects to improve church facilities, reaches out to the surrounding community, and undertakes initiatives to raise money for its causes.


Presbyterian Women of Redeemer (PWOR) is the organization to which every female member belongs by virtue of her membership in the Church of the Redeemer.  It exists to facilitate the participation of women in every aspect of the life and work of the church. PWOR works with the Pastor and Session and performs services to enhance the spiritual life of the church, does projects to improve church facilities, reaches out to the surrounding community, and undertakes initiatives to raise money for its causes.



In accordance with the Book of Order, the congregation shall hold an annual meeting and hold other meetings as necessary [G-1.0501].  Such Annual Meetings shall take place the second Sunday in February each year. The congregational meeting is one of the forums for individual members to exercise their democratic rights to participate in the governance of the church. Twenty percent of active members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business at congregational meetings.


Public notice of the Annual Meeting shall be prominently displayed in the Sunday Church Bulletin each Sunday during the month of January and no less than two consecutive prior Sundays.  Special meetings may be called to conduct other business as may be proper for congregational consideration Adequate public notice of a called Congregational meeting shall be provided in a manner similar to that stated above.


Every official committee, organization and group in the Church shall present a complete written report of its activities for the past year and their plans for the coming year at the Annual Congregational Meeting.


The Communications Committee, in cooperation with the Clerk of Session, shall be responsible for coordinating the submission of reports and making copies available for distribution to members attending the Annual Meeting.  All reports shall be completed and submitted by January 1st.


The Moderator (Pastor) shall present a formal "State of the Church" report, identifying major issues and concerns that face the congregation and the larger church.  Additionally he/she shall issue a statement concerning the spiritual life and work of the Church and his/her involvements and relationships with the Presbytery and other bodies of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A.  In the absence of a pastor the Clerk of Session shall prepare the “State of the Church” report with the assistance of the worship committee and the Worship Committee Chair shall prepare the statement concerning the spiritual life and work of the Church.


The Clerk of Session shall make a formal report to the congregation, covering such matters as membership gains or losses (baptisms, deaths, transfers etc.), the total number in each membership category, and in coordination with the Fiscal Affairs Committee give the condition and status of church real and personal property, identifying the need for major expenditures.



A Nominating Committee shall be established to consist of seven (7) persons, four (4) of whom are to be elected by the congregation.  This shall be an open process in which any active member not currently serving as an active Elder or Deacon shall be eligible for nomination and election, subject only to the condition that the member being nominated has given his/her consent to serve if elected.


Two Elders shall be elected by the Session — one (1) of whom will serve as Moderator.  One (1) Deacon elected by the Board of Deacons shall also serve as a member of the Nominating Committee.


The Nominating Committee's principal duty [G-14.020b] is to develop a slate of candidates for election to the offices of Ruling Elder and Deacon and present it to the Congregational meeting scheduled for Church elections.  The Committee shall nominate only one person for each office to be filled. The Committee must deliberate on candidates and if there are more than one candidate per office the slate shall be determined by vote of the committee.  The Committee shall report the progress of its work to the session at the October stated Session Meeting. This Committee shall submit its slate to the congregation for election no later than the second Sunday in November.


The Congregational meeting for the purpose of electing Elders and Deacons shall be held the second Sunday in November unless changed by the Session to another date.  Notice of this meeting and the purpose there of shall be prominently displayed in the Church Bulletin two consecutive Sundays prior to the meeting date. The meeting shall be held on the Sunday following the second bulletin notice.


During the election process the Moderator has a duty to invite members to offer nominations from the floor.  Persons nominated from the floor shall be subject to the same eligibility requirements and conditions as those persons submitted by the Nominating Committee, and if absent must have agreed.


Ballots shall be prepared by the Nominating Committee and shall be numbered. Distribution of the ballots to eligible congregation members shall be distributed by members of the committee only.  If there are fewer than three committee members present the Chair may select a non-candidate to assist in the balloting.  

The ballots shall be counted by two (2) of the participating members with one (1) participating member observing. The observer shall recount the ballots to assure that the count is accurate. No candidate shall be involved in the development, distribution or counting of the ballots. The ballots shall be destroyed as soon as the meeting is adjourned.


Whenever a vacancy exists in the office of Pastor, a Congregational meeting shall be convened in accordance with Book of Order and rules of the presbytery.



During worship service, the Pastor shall regularly issue an invitation for any person present to make a public commitment to Christ and to offer himself or herself for admission to the Body of Christ, which is the Church.  Any person who responds to this invitation shall be acknowledged as a candidate for membership and the Pastor/Moderator and Clerk of Session shall advise that person as to the necessary follow-up steps.


A person may become a member of the Church of the Redeemer by one of three methods:

  1. profession of faith;

  2. reaffirmation of faith in Jesus Christ;

  3. by certificate or letter of transfer from another church.

The applicant for membership may present himself/herself during a public worship service or by speaking privately with the Pastor or any Church officer.


The Session has the duty to provide appropriate instructions as to the meaning of membership through the Education Committee and Pastor to examine the applicant.  (Note: change adopted at 7/22 meeting to strike this sentence: If the Session is satisfied that the applicant qualifies for membership), the applicant shall be presented to the congregation to make a public profession of faith in Jesus as Lord and be welcomed in the Church of the Redeemer.


Membership in the Church of Jesus Christ is a joy and a privilege.  It is also a commitment to participate in Christ’s mission.  A faithful member bears witness to God’s love and grace and promises to be involved following Jesus Christ both inside and outside the Church [G-1.0304].


Active Members may:

  1. vote and speak at Congregational meetings;

  2. use the church’s facilities for weddings, baptisms, funerals, and similar important life events for themselves and members of their immediate family;

  3. hold any office or position in the church for which he or she may be qualified and elected;

  4. participate as an equal with other members in the activities of the church.



While the Sunday Church Bulletin is the principal vehicle for keeping members informed about Church activities, a substantial number of members may not be in attendance on any given Sunday.  Therefore, other means of communicating, e.g., telephoning, emailing, mailing, newsletter or personal visits may be employed.


Shepherding Teams comprised of one Elder and one Deacon are established to facilitate communications with members.



The Sacrament of Holy Communion shall be celebrated as part of the regular Morning Worship Service on the First Sunday of every month.  This is a sacred ceremony to be led by the Pastor and Ruling Elders. The role of the Ruling Elders is to serve the communion elements to the congregation.  Elders are then served by the Pastor and one Ruling Elder. The Pastor and the Elder then serve each other. When all have been served the Pastor leads the congregants in consuming the Sacrament, concluding the service with prayer.


Installing Officers: The Session shall set a Sunday in January for the ordination and installation of newly elected officers. This special service shall take place during the regular Sunday Worship Service. In the absence of a pastor, the Worship Committee shall prepare the Litany and Order of Service and secure a supply pastor, in good standing with the Presbytery, for the service. Whenever a vacancy in any office occurs that is filled by a special election, the Session shall set a time and date for installing and/or ordaining such officers.


Installing/Ordaining a new Pastor: The National Capital Presbytery has responsibility for conducting the services of installation/ordination for pastors.


Baptism: The Sacrament of Baptism is to be administered by the Pastor as part of a public worship service, in accordance with the requirements of scripture. All wishing to be baptized (including children of parents, grandparents or guardians) shall complete a Session-set course for nurture and preparation. These individuals shall then be examined by Session and if approved, the baptism will be scheduled by the Pastor in consultation with the Session.  



This Manual of Operations and Bylaws may be amended by the Session in the following manner: The amendment shall be in writing and may be proposed by any member of the Session.  The first reading shall occur before the next Session meeting. A final vote on the amendment may not be taken until after the first reading at a subsequent meeting of the Session.  A simple majority vote of all members of the Session shall be required to adopt an amendment.


After the Session has approved and adopted the amended Manual of Operations and Bylaws, they must be voted on and approved by a simple majority vote of the congregation of the Church, as required under the Church’s Corporate Articles of Incorporation. The ratification of the revised document shall occur during one of the two Congregational meetings during the calendar year .


The Session may appoint a special committee to undertake a comprehensive review of this Manual of Operations and Bylaws whenever it deems such a review is desirable or necessary. Recommendations that may be the product of such a comprehensive review shall be submitted to the Session for such action as it deems appropriate.


The Church of Redeemer has adopted as its own the Sexual Harassment Policy of the PCUSA. This policy relates to the sexual harassment and misconduct of all of its employees, staff, clergy and officers. Violations of this policy may subject the offender to disciplinary action including dismissal.


Each member of Redeemer shall be provided a copy of this manual. Each new member shall be provided a copy upon acceptance to Redeemer.

Amended by Session: January 25 , 2019